"Има време за всяко нещо и срок за всяка работа под небето..." казва проповедникът в Еклесиаст 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"
Ecclesiastes 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens"
Ecclesiastes 3:1
От една седмица съм предизвикана да мисля и планирам предстоящата година. Не знам вие как сте, но аз обичам да съм в контрол на всичко около себе си и всяка ситуация, която не мога да контролирам, ме изнервя и вади на показ не особено добрите черти на характера ми :) Да не споменавам, че не съм и от най-търпеливите и често прибързвам.
For a week I’ve been challenged to think and plan the upcoming year. I do not know about you but I like to be in control with everything around me and every situation that is not under my control drives me crazy and shows the not so good traits of my character. Not to mention that that I am not very patient and I often rush things.
For a week I’ve been challenged to think and plan the upcoming year. I do not know about you but I like to be in control with everything around me and every situation that is not under my control drives me crazy and shows the not so good traits of my character. Not to mention that that I am not very patient and I often rush things.
И така понеже очаквам добра година и се надявам всички изненади да са добри, се размислих за това, какво точно искам, какво очаквам, за какво мечтая. И разбира се очакванията ми са за възможно най-добрите неща...
За мое най-голямо съжаление вероятността да преживея само хубави и весели моменти е много минимална, та затова реших поне да си ги имам записани като пожелания в тефтера. Така всеки път като го прелиствам, ще си напомням кое ме прави щастлива, ще си спомням, че ако нещо не се е случило досега, значи е за добро и предстои да се случи друго още по-хубаво.
And since I am expecting a good year and I hope that all the surprises would be good ones, I started to carefully think about that I want, what I expect and what I dream about. And of course my expectations are for the possibly – best things. Unfortunately, the possibility to experience only the nice and happy moments is minimal so I decided to at least have them written down as wishes in my art journal. That way every time I list through it, I will remind myself what makes me happy, I will remember that if something has not happened till now, than it is for the best and something even better is yet to come.
And since I am expecting a good year and I hope that all the surprises would be good ones, I started to carefully think about that I want, what I expect and what I dream about. And of course my expectations are for the possibly – best things. Unfortunately, the possibility to experience only the nice and happy moments is minimal so I decided to at least have them written down as wishes in my art journal. That way every time I list through it, I will remind myself what makes me happy, I will remember that if something has not happened till now, than it is for the best and something even better is yet to come.
Основата е gelli print, но от нея почти нищо не остана :) след като си поиграх с акварелните пастели на Carandache NeoColor II и новите ми акварелни моливи Cretacolor Aqua Monolith. Много ми харесват плътността и покривността на цвета и разбира се цветовете на моливите. И пастелите и моливите са от коледните ми играчки :)
Рамката и текста очертах с бял маркер. Фискирах с Distress Glaze.
The base is gelli print, but almost nothing remained from it, because I played a bit with the watercolor crayons of Carandache NeoColor II and my new watercolor pencils Cretacolor Aqua Monolith. I really like the density of the colors. Both the pastels and the pencils are from my Christmas toys.
I outlined the frame and the text with a white marker. I fixed all with Distress Glaze.
Пожелавам си хубава нова година, а на вас - още по-хубава!
I wish myself a nice new year and to you – even a better one!
Бъдете здрави и мечтайте!
Dare to dream!


Благодаря, че бяхте с мен!
That's gorgeous Irena! Thank you for joining us at Moo Mania & More Challenge!
ОтговорИзтриванеHappy weekend!
This is wonderful with amazing designs
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
Love Chrissie xx
It is such a great idea to record the happy things that happen during 2016. I love the warm colours you used for your background and the design is very striking.
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks so much for joining in our Ring out the Old, Bring in the New challenge at Anything But Cute. Anne DT x
Дай боже да стане "miracle" и ВСИЧКИТЕ тези прекрасни самопожелания да ти се случват и да ти носят топло,слънчево оранжево-жълто настроение каквото лъха от страничката ти:)
ОтговорИзтриванеGreat pages - very powerful and positive with those beautiful colours. Thanks for joining in at Crafty Boots Challenges this time.
ОтговорИзтриванеNicely done!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for joining our Ring our the Old, Bring in the New challenge at Anything But Cute!
Paper Talk with Samra
аз пък ти желая да бъде по-хубава от колкото си си го помислила, Ренка... Чудеса се случат, знаеш :)
ОтговорИзтриванеРени, чудесни пожелания!Нека бъдат и за всеки, който се полюбува на страничката ти! Благодаря за второто ти участие в нашето предизвикателство.
ОтговорИзтриванеYour new watercolor pencils sure were out to good use. This design is so fun and eclectic. Fantastic highlights with the white and such an interesting design framing the middle. Very creative way to remember all the good that 2016 will bring. Awesome sauce!
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for joining in our "Ring Out the Old, Bring in the New" challenge at Anything But Cute! Hugz. ~Niki DT
Lovely project, thanks for linking to Moo Mania and More, Valerie
ОтговорИзтриванеС тази страничка Ренка, няма как да не ти се случват много хубави моменти през тази година.Тъй духовно планирана, кара човек да се замисли над истинските и стойностни неща в живота!Пожелавам ти да ти се случват!
ОтговорИзтриванеFabulous journal pages, the colours really enhance the design. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.
Impressive journaling spread. Thank you for sharing it with us at TioT.
ОтговорИзтриванеVibrant and eye catching, your journal pages will serve as a reminder to reflect on all that is good in your life! You have put your new Christmas toys to fabulous use here! Thank you for joining our Ring Out the Old, Bring in the New challenge at Anything But Cute. Hugs! Sara Emily DT
ОтговорИзтриванеWonderful pages! Thanks for joining along with the MMMC :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThis is just fabulous Irena!! I love the rich fiery colours of your page, and the design is very eye catching! You sure did put your new pencils to great use here!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you so much for joining us at Anything But Cute for our 'Bring in the New' challenge! Hugs, Pamellia DT :)
Невероятна страничка, Рени! Нека всичко това бъдат моите пожелания към теб за новата 2016година! Благодаря ти, че я включи при нас в The Crazy Challenge!
Gorgeous, it's a good way to start the year by listing all good things. Thank you for sharing it with us at Altered Eclectics.
ОтговорИзтриванеSo may all your wishes for this year come true!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for sharing your beautiful journal spread with us at Our Creative Corner!
Claudia x
Beautiful colors!! Thank you so much for playing with us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!!
ОтговорИзтриванеbeautiful page. love all the weaving designs. Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!